Two men wearing dark sunglasses and beige cotton coats. One is sitting with a large camera in his hands. The other is standing, leaning against him, also holding a large camera. Behind them hangs a black theater curtain with an embossed floral pattern. On either side of the two men, there is text in English in various fonts and colors about 'Hyperopia. Socio-Visual Forensics.'


Part of the official program for Copenhagen Culture Night 2024 - October 11th at 18:00 - 24:00
Only access for visitors with a digital or physical Culture Pass

Download the press release as a PDF here

On Copenhagen Culture Night, Laterna Magica Museum for Visual Knowledge opens its doors for a unique evening, inviting the audience to look beyond the obvious and step into a world of visions and discoveries.

The word "hyperopia" means farsightedness, however, in a metaphorical sense, it is associated with being visionary and innovative. Hyperopia explores new ways of experiencing and understanding the world through the unique perspectives of blind and visually impaired artists and personalities. The event focuses on the current preference for visual stimuli, where sight is considered the primary gateway to appreciating art and cultural experiences, while other ways of sensing and thinking are often overlooked. To increase understanding of this more sensory world, Laterna Magica Museum invites the audience to an evening where the visible and the invisible meet and interact through film screenings, presentations, and performances. The event is designed to enhance the sensory experience with subtle lighting, spatial arrangements, and audio descriptions. The audience will have the opportunity to interact with the performers, gain insight into their creative processes, and hear their inspiring stories.


Eye in Hand. Documentary about the blind-born Turkish artist Eshref Armagan, who impresses with his ability to draw in perspective and paint with vibrant colors.

Invisible Music. A thought-provoking short film about the Malaysian organization Blind Musicians that trains blind individuals to sing and play in public spaces.

Madsynet (Food Vision). Performance by Mohammed Alsaadi who introduces the audience to cooking in darkness.

Blind Coffee. Performance by Gökhan Koyuncu who invites the audience into a sensory world with blind coffee specialist.

MissBlindSpot. Performance by Christina Nahnsen who explores fashion, colors, and self-expression for people with severe visual impairment.

Enlightenment in Darkness. Performance by Ramadan and Lezaeta who guides the audience into the mind of one of history's sharpest intellects, Ibn al-Haytham, and the awe-inspiring moment when he first sees the world outside his prison cell upside down.


Behind the event stands a group of curators and artists who have organized similar, critically acclaimed exhibitions and activities at the European art biennial Manifesta in Spain.


Christina Nahnsen, known as MissBlindSpot, is standing and pointing at a canvas with an upside-down section of a building and street, illustrating what a 'camera obscura' is and how it functions.


Performance by Christina Nahnsen, known as MissBlindSpot, about fashion, colors, and self-expression for the visually impaired. Christina Nahnsen is a fashion and lifestyle influencer who uses her platforms to raise awareness about life with visual impairment. With only a few percent of her vision remaining, she shares her daily life and challenges through social media. Christina aims to show that fashion and personal expression are possible, even with severe visual impairment, inspiring others to embrace their unique style.

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The blind-born Turkish artist Eshref Armagan is sitting on the right side of the image at a table, holding up a drawing he has just made for photographers from the Spanish newspaper El Verdad, who are standing on the other side of the table. Eshref Armagan is wearing a black suit, black hat, and dark sunglasses. One of the photographers is about to take a picture of him. This is a still image from the documentary film 'Eye in Hand.' Therefore, there is also a 'film sign' with the text: 'Press Conference. MUBAM Museum, Murcia.'

Eye in Hand

Documentary about the blind-born Turkish artist Eshref Armagan, who surprises with his ability to draw in perspective and paint in colors. The artist was born blind and has never been able to see. He taught himself to draw and paint at the age of six after wondering if he could paint the things he felt with his hands in a way that others could understand. With his unique ability to draw in perspective and paint in colors despite his blindness, Eşref Armağan has changed our understanding of vision and how we perceive the world around us.

A blind man is sitting on a chair at a train station, playing guitar. The man is wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and a cap. The body of the guitar consists only of an outer frame, as it is electric and does not need a physical body to play. This is a still image from the short film 'Invisible Music.'

Invisible Music

Short film about the Malaysian organization Blind Musicians, which trains blind people to play and sing in public spaces. On the lively streets of Kuala Lumpur, where the sounds of traffic and chatter blend into an endless hum, blind artists bring the city to life with their music. Invisible Music is a thought-provoking short film that follows visually impaired artists as they perform in public spaces, transforming the ordinary into something extraordinary.

The founder of BlindCoffee, Gökhan Koyuncu, is seen on a black background next to the logo of his company.


Performance by Gökhan Koyuncu, the founder of BlindCoffee, a company that takes social responsibility and combines a passion for quality coffee with a mission to create employment and educational opportunities for people with visual impairments. Learn how blind individuals become coffee specialists, bringing senses to life with products like "Guide Dog" and "Goalball."

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The founder of Madsynet (Food Vision), Mohammed Alsaadi, is standing in a kitchen cooking while smiling at the camera.

Madsynet (Food Vision)

Performance by the originator of Madsynet (Food Vision), Mohammed Alsaadi, who introduces the audience to cooking in darkness, where taste and smell come to life. Through "Food in the Dark," Mohammed Alsaadi uses his visual impairment as a strength in the kitchen and gives sighted people the opportunity to prepare food blindfolded, challenging the senses and breaking down prejudices.

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Five people are standing in the middle of a completely dark room. Each person is holding a glowing, round lamp in front of them, so only their faces and upper bodies are visible.

Enlightenment in Darkness 

Performance that takes the audience on a dramatic journey into the mind of one of history’s sharpest thinkers, Ibn al-Haytham, often called the "father of modern optics." The performance brings his groundbreaking discoveries to life, showing how his work, which laid the foundation for modern science, was conducted while he was imprisoned. The story focuses on the power of light—both literally and metaphorically—and demonstrates how the pursuit of knowledge, even in the darkest times, can lead to discoveries that change history.

Script and music: Khaled Ramadan.

Performance: José Lezaeta
